People say Mormons are not Christians.
Those people don't know what they are talking about.
They say Mormons don't believe in the same Jesus they believe in.
What do they believe in?
A Jesus who, along with the Holy Ghost, is crammed together in one person with God.
A Jesus who was crucified so all you have to do is say you accept him as your Savior and you are taken care of.
A Jesus who didn't think you need to do anything else in life, just accept him.
Is that what I believe?
No. I believe in a Jesus who is the Son of his father, God.
Who prayed to his Father.
Who, when Jesus was baptized, had God, his Father, say, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." What person talks about himself as his own son?
Who prayed in to His Father, God, Gethsemane asking God if it were possible that the cup pass from him.
Who, while on the cross commended his spirit into God's hands.
Who was seen by Stephen, when he was being stoned, "on the right hand of God." People really believe he was standing beside himself? Not me.
I believe in a Jesus who was the begotten Son of God. God in heaven and Jesus on earth.
I believe that he was in the temple, talking to the learned men, and told Mary he was about "my Father's business." Not his own business.
I believe in a Christ that healed the sick, the blind, and brought back the dead.
I believe in a Christ who said that he came to take upon him the sins of the world.
I believe in a Christ who said that the sinners won't suffer if we will repent, but if they do not repent they must suffer "even as I."
I believe in a Christ who saved the world from sin, but did not believe that all you need to do in this life is say you accept him as your savior and you are saved regardless of what you do.
I believe in a Christ who believed that we must follow him, keep the commandments and always remember him.
I believe in a Christ who, with his Father, God, helped us come to earth so we could make our own decisions about whether we would follow him. God loved us enough to let us decide on our own instead of forcing every person to return to him.
I believe in a Christ who was crucified for the world, to save us all from death and our sins.
I believe in a Christ who was resurrected and because of his resurrection we will all be resurrected regardless of sin or not. Everyone will be resurrected. Not everyone will return to live with God.
I believe in a Christ who knew that there would be an apostasy after his death and a falling away and a loss of the truth of the gospel.
I believe in a Christ, who in the early 1800's restored the complete truth to the earth along with his Church with apostles and a prophet. That prophet was Joseph Smith.
I believe in a Christ who still guides that church today through a living prophet.
That church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
It is His Church. It was restored for the world. It was restored for you.
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