Church in Favor of California Prop 8? Oh No!

The Church is “Accused” of being in Favor of California Proposition 8 which is against same-sex marriage!

Those who are gay or lesbian and their friends and families are aghast that the Church would tiptoe across the borders from Utah and try to influence something in California that is none of Utah’s business.

They think that a church’s beliefs are supposed to stop at a border? So, what about the million or so members of the Church in California? Is the Church supposed to have commandments that are followed differently in California than in the rest of the world?

We follow Christ’s teachings about going out to all the world to spread his word. That really does mean don’t stop at political borders or country borders. Go to All the world and teach all the commandments, not just the ones that are politically pleasing.

People talk about gay marriage as a civil rights issue. Go ahead and try and convince yourself of that. What about marriage between brother and sister? Between a parent and a child? Between a grandparent and a child? Aren’t they just as much that civil rights problem? Where does it stop? What about marriage between a 40 year old man and a 10 year old girl? Got a problem yet? Isn’t that a civil rights issue?

Does the Church teach that sex between members of the same sex is wrong?

What about abortion. Does the Church teach that it is a sin?

What about drinking and smoking? Is that wrong?
Yes. Through revelation 175 years ago, the Lord revealed that those substances are harmful and should not be used. It took just about 150 years for the medical science to catch up and realize the same thing.

Does the Church teach honesty?
Yes. Should it keep that belief within the borders of Utah?

What about baptism for the remission of sins?
Yep, it teaches that. Should that be kept within Utah, or even just Salt Lake City? I don't think so.

What about loving all people? Isn’t the Church teaching hate by supporting the ban on gay marriage?
The Church teaches what the Lord has said to teach. It teaches against sin of all types. Sex between members of the same sex is a sin. Period. However, the Lord, and his Church, teach to love all, but you don't love the sin.

The Church also teaches other things about sex are wrong, such as sex between any two people who are not married, sex between a married person and someone who is not their spouse. Even, surprise, touching another person in a sexual way is considered wrong if that person is not your spouse.

People doing the complaining are okay about the Church going beyond Utah’s borders to help those in need physically, but not okay when the Church is trying to help people spiritually.

It's funny that they complain that the Church was involved, but they don't talk about anyone on the side supporting their side. Hmmmm. Wonder why they don't let all the information come to light.

We believe that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the church Jesus Christ began when he was on the earth. We believe the truth and his authority was lost after he and the apostles were killed. It had to be restored. It has been and his commandments now are just as important as they were when he gave them.

Civil rights issue? Nope. It’s a moral issue, or maybe just an immoral one.

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